Make this delicious recipe for salmon, cod or trout fish parcels on the nomadiQ BBQ. Foil packs are very easy to prepare! We fried potatoes on the closed griddle and prepared delicious vegetable kebabs. You’ll have a tasty, healthy meal in no time!
- Choice of fish (salmon, cod or trout)
- Aluminum foil
- Fresh thyme or dill
- Zucchinis
- Onion
- bell pepper
- Olive oil
- Fresh garlic
- Small potatoes
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Mayonnaise or other potato sauce

Preparation method:
- Prepare the nomadiQ and make sure you have a rack for the fish parcels on one side and a closed grill plate or grill mat on the other – this makes frying the potatoes easier.
- Light the baby potato side of the BBQ – grease with butter (or oil) and place the baby potatoes on it, frying until done.
- Meanwhile, arrange sheets of aluminum foil x the number of guests, side by side, ready to eat the fish.
- Cut up fish if necessary – 1 packet of fish per person
- Place the fish on the aluminum foil and drizzle with a little olive oil.
- Sprinkle with fresh garlic and thyme or dill to taste, garnish with a little salt and pepper, and fold the packets almost completely over with the tips facing upwards.
- Place your wooden skewers in a bowl or cup with water – this way, the wood won’t split as quickly when threading the skewers.
- Light the other side of the nomadiQ with the grill plate and place the fish bites on top – leave to cook for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish.
- Check that the fish is cooked by carefully opening the packaging and piercing the meat with a fork. The fish should be firm and flake easily.
- Cut up all the vegetables you’d like to use (we’ve chosen onion, bell pepper and zucchini) for the vegetable skewers and thread them onto your skewers.
- Mix the olive oil with the fresh garlic, salt and pepper in a bowl. Brush vegetables with this mixture for extra flavour.
- Grilling skewers on the BBQ
- Remove the fish parcels from the BBQ and serve immediately with the potato and vegetable skewers. Beware, they can be hot once opened.

Enjoy your delicious fish parcels and a great barbecue evening! With this simple recipe, you can create a tasty dish filled with juicy fish and crispy vegetables on your nomadiQ BBQ. Bon apetit!